It's EARTH WEEK at Croakies® and we will be posting news and events from our conservation partners through out the week. This article by Jessie Thomas-Blate, Coordinator, Most Endangered Rivers, is about the FRAC Act re-introduced to the U.S. Senate.
The FRAC Act would do the following:
Require disclosure of the chemicals used in the process of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas extraction, but not the proprietary chemical formula. Disclosures would be made available to the public online.
Protect proprietary chemical formulas– much like the way Coca-Cola must reveal the ingredients of Coke, but not their secret formula; oil and gas companies would have to reveal the chemicals, but not the specific formula.
Enact an emergency provision requiring proprietary chemical formulas to be disclosed to a treating physician, the State, or EPA in emergency situations where the information is needed to provide medical treatment.
Repeal a provision added to the Energy Policy Act of 2005 exempting the industry from complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), one of our landmark environmental and public health protection statutes.
more at FRAC Act Re-introduced in Congress